Law Office
We provide legal services in all areas of business. From civil and commercial law to data protection and asset management. We are here to support you in every situation with confidence and dedication.
What can we handle?
Company management
Setting up and modifying company structures, employment documentation, employment of foreigners, including agency employment.
Contractual relationships
Drafting or reviewing contracts based on individual client needs, providing advice on negotiation and contract conclusion.
Dispute Resolution
Debt recovery, representation in court proceedings, representation before administrative authorities, including tax proceedings.
Starting a business or entering the Czech market
Advice on starting a business - company establishment or trade registration, setting up contractual relations, guidance on fulfilling obligations with administrative authorities, employment law advice.
Intellectual property law
Contractual regulation of legal relationships related to copyright works and software, trademark issues, IT/IP dispute resolution.
Preparation of real estate transactions, including preliminary assessment of the transaction and preparation of all documentation, provision of attorney's escrow for securing real estate transactions, addressing liens and easements.
Personal data protection
Analysis of personal data handling in organisations, advice and preparation of documents on personal data handling in accordance with applicable legislation, fiduciary services.
Family law
Advice on family law matters, representation in proceedings for minor children's arrangements, divorce, and division of joint property.
Criminal law
Advice on the prevention of economic crime in business, representation of victims, representation in criminal proceedings, representation in misdemeanour proceedings.
Asset management
Advice on the establishment and administration of trusts.